The city I want to insert in my passenger's trip does not exist in the app database! And now?

The city I want to insert in my passenger's trip does not exist in the app database! And now?

When adding DESTINATION, in the field for the name of the city enter the desired name, if the destination does not exist in our database will appear the information "AD CUSTOMED DESTINATION".

By clicking on the ADD CUSTOMED DESTINATION option, a screen will open so you can add a description of the city, and the Location (this information is important for the map to appear to your customer). You may also add a photo, which you can upload from your computer, from the CMS library, search Google or Pixabay:

In the case of destinations created, you cannot indicate Suggested Places, as the guide is not available on the platform. But, you can create activities, indicating attractions suggested by you to that destination.

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