How do I create an itinerary (roadmap / day-by-day)?

How do I create an itinerary (roadmap / day-by-day)?

Under "Travel", you can create a new trip or edit a trip already in creation.
After filling in the data under "Travel Settings", on the edit screen of the trip, you must add an activity in "+". In this section, select "Title, summary and image"of the day, start your itinerary by adding the title, summary, and an image for that day.
  • Title of the day: this will be the first text that the user will see for that day and should represent what will happen. Here are some examples: "First Day in London", "Exploring the City", "Conference - Day 3", etc.
  • Summary of the day: The summary will appear below the title of the day and is a great way to analyze what will happen that day.
You can create activities or add free text.
  • Creating activities: select the buttonAdd Activity. . . There you can add all the details, location, photos and associated places. If some travelers are not participating in this activity, you can deselect them.
  • Free text: select the buttonAdd Free Text. . . Here you can add a casual task or activity (e.g. "Coffee break" or "Free time").
You can allow travelers to evaluate activities.
  • Reviews: You can activate for travelers to review activities. Reviews and comments can be viewed in the tabReports go Activity assessment. . . *Evaluations are not disclosed and can only be viewed in the designated session of the Reports tab.
You can offer your travelers optional activities.
  • Optional activities: you can enable the optionThis activity is optional and needs to be booked. . . Once activated, the traveler will see an optional written bar on this trip. There is also the option to add a booking URL if this activity is not included.
You can set reminder notifications for your passengers before the activities.
  • Reminder: after activatingsend reminder minutes before the start time of this activity, add when you would like travelers to receive this reminder (e.g. 30 minutes earlier) and thus they will receive the notification at the given time.
You can also search by activities or points of interest.
  • Activity search or point of interest: You can search for an activity or point of interest by accessing the search barSearch for an activity or point of interest. . . You can find restaurants, hotels, attractions and more. Once you find an activity or point of interest, you can add a description and choose the time of day for this activity to happen.
There is also a video tutorial talking about this:Tours and Activities

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